Today Emma and I filmed the 'male' style scene for our music video. We got this done very quickly because of our previous experience with other shots so we knew what problems we may come across so we avoided them and it went quite smoothly today. Before we started filming I did our female leads make up and then we styled her clothes how we wanted them. We brought in a blazor, shirts and trourser to create a manly look.
For the make up on Emily I made her eyebrows darker and 'bushier' like a man and I also drew a very obvious and stylised mustache. I did this because we were not trying to convince anyone that she was a man but rather just dressing up as one for fashion sake.
Her clothese were quite stereotypical mens attire and we dicided to use (gender) neutral colours to reinforce that she is only 'dressing up' as a man.
We then began filming for our music video we told our our model which dance moves to do to represent a man, which was quite cahllanging we found that alot of the the scenes was just Emily doing manly mannerisms whilst miming the song. We made her feel at ease by dancing with her and playing the correct song on a phone. We managed to get the filming done much faster again which is a real benefit in finding times that the room with the lights is free because we no longer take very long. We found the shot effective and work well in our video