Friday 4 October 2013

Casting Considerations (Sabrina)

The female protagonist (main role):
Abieey Weaver
Shoulder length black hair, hazel eyes, medium build. Even though her look really right for the role Abieey is very effervescent and confident and I feel she could play the role well, however we need someone who can play both a 'geeky' outcast and a confident front page model.

Positives - Abieey is good friends with Emma and Sabrina and is very reliable.
Negatives - Abieey doesn't live close to us and therefore will not always be available.

Emily Walker
Long dark brown hair, hazel eyes, petite build and tall. Emily's look is perfect for this role and I feel the costumes would look twice as good and exaggerated on her as she is tall and has long hair which would look better with the pig tails. She is very attractive and extremely confident. She is a fantastic actress and she got an A* in drama GCSE.

Positives - Emily is a good actress and is easily accessible to film.
Negatives - No negative reasons

Ellie Horner

Shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes, petite build. Ellie has a very expressive face and would be very good at the role of the 'geeky' outcast, however even though Ellie is very attractive she doesn't really have the right look for the the modelling scene. She has big eyes and a filled out face and therefore could look too 'cute' when she is suppose to look fierce at the end.

Positives - Ellie has had some experience in acting.

Negatives - Ellie has a job and therefore is busy the majority of the time and not able to film.

The woman on the magazine:
Ellie Beaulah

Short red hair with fringe, blue eyes, strong cheekbones and jaw, petite and stands out from the crowd. However she is un-confident at times and may be hard to get the shots we need. The woman on the cover needs to look confident and professional so she may find this role quite difficult.

Positives - Ellie appearance fits well with the role.
Negatives - The green screen is required for this section and Ellie does not have many study periods at the same time as Emma or Sabrina, however after college sessions are possible.

Lauren Boanas
Long blonde hair, blue eyes, petite build and tall. Her look would be good for the role because she is attractive and photogenic. She has attended dance classes and her movement are strong and confident and therefore would look professional on the cover of the magazine.

Positives - Lauren's is confident and therefore does not mind doing poses for the magazine.
Negatives - Lauren doesn't attend college anymore and would find it difficult to find time to film.

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