Wednesday 9 October 2013

History of Music Video Research (Sabrina)

The trend of music videos began in the early 60's, this was the time of the 'music revelotion' when the music industry was booming and at the height of demand.

1963 - 'The Summer Holiday' was released which starred the artist Cliff Richard as the mian male role. And it also which featured the musical hit 'Summer Holiday' - Cliff Richard's well known songs. (Below)

1964 - The Beatles' first major motion picture, 'A Hard Day's Night' - Which starred the characters as themselves. It took the genre to new heights with their groundbreaking films for 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and 'Penny Lane' made in the early 1967 which used techniques like; dramatic lighting, unusual camera angles and rhythmic editing. These two landmark films were the first to purpose-made concept videos for many of their famous songs; shown in performances or abstarct ways to 'illustrate' the song in an artful manner - rather than creating a a film of a performance. (The Opening scene of ' The Beatles - A Hard Day's Night' is shown below which features the theme tune 'A Hard Day's Night'.

1966 - Bob Dylan's clip performing 'Subterranean Homesick Blues' The clip's ironic portrayal of a performance; featuring randomly celebrity Allen Ginsberg - in a non-performing role. Which was all filmed and performed in one single shot; with Bob Dylan holding certain lyrics on cards in a alleyway behind a theatre.

1982 - Micheal Jackson has been one of the most influencial pinoeers of music videos for example the music video 'thriller' had a narrative beyond the songs lyrics and made a short film in the time limits of a song unlike Cliff Richard in the early sixties who had songs in his film.

This is when the artist/band is performing in front of a crowd or on their own. The video does not have a narrative and are hard for the audience to connect with the story and lyrics.

This is when the video shows what the lyrics are about, they usually try to get something across to the audience and are usually used if the song is long. Artists sometimes feature in their own narrative video, though some do not. Common in hip hop videos. Two types of narrative format, linear which is when the video shows the beginning, middle and end in order, and non-linear which is not in order.

This is when a star is shown in the video, this is used to promote the video, as it will appeal to people who like the star as well as people who like the artist and song.

Conventions of Music Videos:

Camera Shots - Close ups are used a lot in music videos to emphasise the emotion on the artists face, as they tend to support the lyrics. Mid shots too are shown often to show the location and the body language and even outfit of the artist as these are important in the representation of a music video as it all relies on how the artist wants to be portrayed to their audience.
Camera Movement - The camera often pans or tracks the artist as it shows that we as the audience are following their every move as they are often the main protagonist in their own video.

Mise en scene - This is important in a music video and it has to be thought out very well as it can make the artist look very bad if done wrong. The lighting, costume and props all fit into mise en scene, and if the artist wants to be portrayed in a sexual way then they will have something like red lighting - as the colour red connotes romance and passion. The props that they would use would be chains and they would be wearing hardly any clothing.

Sound - In most cases the sound is just the non-diegetic music with vocals, although in some cases the producers change the music video into a short film as well as a music video, this emphasises the chance of promoting the song and artist. An example of this is Michael Jackson's Thriller video.

Editing - Straight cuts are the most common type of edit in a music video because they allow a quick transition to each scene and it is not really noticed by the audience. However many music videos feature fade ins and fade outs as they create a different feel to a music video, they could for example be used if the narrative is about a dream.

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